How Much Wattage Do I Need in My Portable Generator?

How Much Wattage Do I Need in My Portable Generator?

Many of us are familiar with technical measurements and units but unable to picture them in a meaningful way. Guess the size of Australia, for example. It’s big for sure, but it’d be easy to make an estimate in km² that’s way off target.

The country actually covers more than 7.5 million km².

In a similar way, you might understand wattage or watts as units of power. But, how much is a lot? 1000, 5000 or 8000 watts?

The electrical power you need will depend on what you intend to run off your portable generator. Read on to find out which generator size is for you and your needs.


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Surviving Storm Season: Strategies and Power Backup Solutions

Surviving Storm Season: Strategies and Power Backup Solutions

It’s time to baton down the hatches with an effective plan for storm-proofing your home.

Every year, homes and businesses lose billions of dollars to storms and flooding. Yet almost a third of Australians aged between 18 and 44 don’t have a strategy in place to deal with the havoc a storm can wreak.

Read on for the measures you need to put in place, from power backup solutions to handy household tips so you and your home stay better protected.


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Generators for Small Businesses and the $20,000 Instant Asset Write-Off

Generators for Small Businesses and the $20,000 Instant Asset Write-Off

Who doesn’t like free money? That’s what the bolstered instant asset write-off scheme is going to mean for small businesses by offering tax incentives on qualifying purchases over the coming financial year (2023-24).

There had been fears the scheme might only cover purchases of just $1,000 so if you’re planning to make a significant purchase, then it’s great news.

Generators for small businesses would fall under the qualifying categories. So what can small businesses claim, who is eligible and how does it all work? Read on for the lowdown.


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All The Support You Need When Taking Your Home Off-Grid

There's something rather satisfying about lying back in your hammock and looking at the stars. There's an added bonus when you can totally relax once and for all, knowing that your family home and farm can function independently with off-grid power.

A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into creating a solar-powered system that keeps you self-sufficient (well almost). Find out why you need a backup and the best types of quiet, petrol generators for the job as we examine all the right options.


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The Right Generator for More Pleasurable Adventures

Stay Connected With Our Portable Generators

Many travel enthusiasts may also be freedom fighters without realising it. They've plenty of wanderlust but prefer to stay off the beaten track. Self-sufficiency is part of the equation and that includes being able to function off the grid. How?

The answer is a portable generator: the key word here is "portable." Long gone on are the days when a generator for travelling was bigger than your car or campervan. And, yet there are plenty of variations that can make or break a trip.

Power up your knowledge as we make a pitch for the invaluable camping generator.


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Camping Essential Must Have’s

Camping is an excellent way to get out of the city and back to nature. In today’s busy world, a break from the bustle can be essential for your health and wellbeing. But just because you’re roughing it in the wilderness doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go prepared. There are some camping essentials you shouldn’t leave home without like a camping generator. Here’s a quick list of some must-haves for your next camping trip.


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Choosing The Right Portable Generator – What You Need To Know!

Choosing the right portable generator to meet your needs takes a bit of planning. You can always invest in the biggest model out there and hope for the best. By doing a bit of math upfront, however, you can save a good amount of money down the line. Here’s how to get your best value and meet your needs when investing in a generator.

 Wattage Capacity
One of the first things to consider is how much power you need. If you have too little, you won’t be able to run heavy duty appliances and you may find you can’t even power your essentials during a power outage. In addition, if you overload your portable generator, this can cause damage to both it and all the appliances in operation.In contrast, getting a generator that’s too big for your needs can result in you wasting your money on its initial purchase, the fuel, maintenance, and future repairs.

What do you need to power? Check out our list of common appliances and how much energy they use to calculate your best value and to make sure you cover your energy needs.

 Does the Generator Have Enough Outlets?
 You will also need to ensure you have enough power outlets to be able to run all the appliances you wish to.

If you need to have multiple appliances running at the same time, make sure you have at least the same number of outlets, if not more to do so. This will save you the inconvenience of plugging and unplugging things in order to stay in balance.

 Consider Noise
Is noise a factor? For some people, it doesn’t really matter how noisy their generator is as long as it gets the job done. If you’re doing something like camping, however, you might want to look at quiet generators. You don’t want to disturb the fish... or the sleeping neighbours.

Inverter generators are the quietest offered by MaxWatt. These models have a selectable ECO-throttle switch and low-tone mufflers among other features, to keep things quieter. This type matches your power needs instead of running continuously at top capacity.

Do You Need an Electric Start Generator or a Recoil?
Generators also have various ways of starting. An electric start generator has a start button. You simply flip this to start the engine. Easy. A recoil generator has a cord that you must pull in order to start the machine’s engine, however. A recoil start portable generator can be cheaper than its electric start counterpart, but it requires a bit more muscle strength in your shoulder to operate. Decide what suits you best.

 Transporting Your Generator
Thankfully, smaller generators can be easily carried by just one person. Lift it using the accompanying handle and you’re good to go.

Larger generators such as those found on a construction site have multiple handles and should be lifted and carried by more than one person. This type of generator often comes with wheels to make things easier. If you’re the only one who will be around to move your generator, a smaller model could be best.

 Fuel Tank Size and Hours of Operation
Finally, depending on how long you need power, you might need a fuel tank. Many generators run for up to 8 hours without any additional fuel. For continuous operation longer than this you can hire or purchase a fuel tank. This can be helpful at outdoor events such as weddings, festivals, and marketplaces.

MaxWatt is your experienced and reliable supplier of Brisbane portable generators. With over 20 years of experience in the power products industry, we have what you need! Contact us today for the best power solutions to suit your situation.

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